
Disclosure in Research Reports

Mandatory Disclosure in Research Reports under RA Regulations

  1. About the Research Analyst:Krishna Kumar Pathak (hereinafter referred to as the Firm) is registered with SEBI as a Research Analyst in terms of SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014 vide Registration number INH300009914 dated June 06, 2022, pursuant to which he provides research analysis services to his clients.
  2. About the Individual:Krishna Kumar Pathak holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management. Apart from having SEBI RA License, he also holds NSE Financial Goal Planner and NISM- Investment Advisor Level 1 certifications. Prior to his Set-Up he has an extensive experience as a Senior Deputy Branch Manager and Deputy Manager from renowned financial organizations.
  3. Details of Business activities:The Research Analyst offers research recommendations on portfolio of listed stocks based on qualitative and / or quantitative analysis factoring in financial statements and return ratios, historical price movements of stocks and thereby derived statistical ratios etc. Detailed research reports on stocks that includes a general note about objective of the model portfolio, risk-return profile and historical performance against benchmark along with list and corresponding weightages of stocks to buy and sell for the particular review period.
  4. Disciplinary History:There are no outstanding litigations or no disciplinary history against the Research Analyst.
  5. Terms and Conditions on which Research Report is being issued:The Research Analyst has exercised due diligence in checking the correctness and authenticity of the information contained herein, so far as it relates to current and historical information, but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The opinions expressed are based on our current research as of the date appearing in the material and may be subject to change from time to time without notice.The Research Analyst does not accept any liability arising from the use of this document or the information contained herein. The recipients of this material should rely on their own judgment and take their own professional advice before acting on this information.The Research Analyst shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person/s from any inadvertent error in the information contained, views and opinions expressed in this publication.
  6. The Research Analyst, including relatives:
    • do not hold any financial interest in the Company.
    • do not have any actual/beneficial ownership of more than 1% in the company.
    • do not have any other material conflict of interest.
  7. The Research Analyst is not affiliated with any other intermediaries or have received any brokerage or commission from any third party.
  8. The Research Analyst have not received any compensation from the Company covered by Research Analyst during the past twelve months.
  9. The Research Analsyt have not managed or co-managed public offering of securities of the Company during the past twelve months.
  10. The Research Analyst has not served as an officer, director or employee of the Company and has not been engaged in the market making activity of the Company. 
  11. The Research Analyst have ensured that the facts mentioned in the research report are taken from the reliable source and information. However, the investors are advised to independently evaluate the market conditions/ risks involved before making the investment decision.

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